Tuesday, June 8, 2010

♥ Distractions ♥


Prada, Gucci, Burberry, Coach, Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, McDonald's, Burger King & Pizza Hut. Shoes, purses, televisions, sound systems, blue-ray players, and fast food chains. These are our luxuries. These are our vices and these are our distractions.
I believe these things were designed to shield us from what’s really going on in our world. The real life news, not the things television tells us or what our ever so knowledgeable President tells us.
Our ever satisfying Health Care Bill
Everyone gets health insurance! YAY! What people don’t realize is that nothing is free in our world. How will people who are unemployed get free health care? Taxpayers, I’m sure. Also, if a certain percentage of Americans have health care, pre-bill, and you have to make a doctors appointment two months in advance; think about how difficult it will be to make a doctors appointment post-bill!? Take Canada for example, making an appointment consists of being put on a waiting list for months before you can see your doctor. Granted, yes there will be higher demand for doctors, nurses and etc. but there will still be a lengthy wait. Also, if you are a doctor, nurse or in the health care field in general, there has already been speculation about salary caps.
Our disappointing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
An explosion by one of the most environmentally friendly companies out there, British Petroleum. April 20th there’s an explosion which leads to a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Killing birds, fish and other animals in their natural habitat. Don’t expect to spend an affordable amount on shrimp for awhile, let alone see a nice clean beautiful beach. Almost two months later, after many FAILS, finally you hear about a cap on the rupture. ‘WONDERFUL!’ People think… What people don’t realize is that the cap hasn’t completely stopped the spill. There are still gallons of oil being spread into the ocean daily. I don’t believe anything is an accident anymore.

If anyone has seen the movie “Knowing” with Nicholas Cage (gay), they’ll know that there was a disastrous oil spill in that movie as well, on April 20th. Ironic coincidence isn’t it? Rent/but it!

I feel that these occurrences are distractions from something bigger. Something more important and something our government wants us to overlook or misunderstand. You wont see it on your amazing television or hear it on your awesome radio. These happenings or situations have means to be hidden. If they weren’t and they were broad casted, they would cause way too much controversy. The reason why I think a percentage knows the actual truth and others portray it to be a conspiracy is because it isn’t majorly advertised or broad casted. (see my article: “A Religious Break Through?” for an example) - Do your OWN homework … Research things yourself!

Here are a few documentaries that explains some reasoning and examples of this hidden agenda, or conspiracy, if you will:

Esoteric Agenda
The Obama Deception
Hijacking Humanity

If you can not find these documentaries, I have them inexpensively for sale (free shipping). Just comment or email me. = )

Thank you for reading and there will be more on this topic in the future!
Stay Tuned!


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