Monday, January 24, 2011

♥ Been Awhile ♥

So it's been quite awhile since I've written anything on here so I figured I'd start back up again!

I have a lot of thoughts floating around inside my head and figured maybe it's time to throw down another few articles.

I've been listening to Alex Jones on a daily basis (I'm still a little leery about his intentions) and I've been working on Jesse Ventura's book American Conspiracies (listening to his audio book)... Leery about him too. I guess anyone who's in the spotlight, I'm leery about. Though, I do enjoy listening to the both of them!!

I may be a little preoccupied today because I'm getting rid of Charter cable & gaining Dish Network. I'm a little excited because for some reason Charter couldn't put cable in the bedroom at my house but Dish Network can... so YAY ME!!! I'm getting tv in the bedroom.

Before my boyfriend & I moved in together, I hardly EVER watched tv. It's not terrible because I try to watch a lot of Discovery Channel & avoid TBS bahaha!!

Well I'll be starting on an article today for this website ... so more to come later on!!! = )



  1. Hello Angelina,

    My name is Eric Ketzer, and I am a Manager at Charter. I am so sorry to read that we are losing a customer. It seems odd that we could not provide cable to your bedroom, as that is a pretty standard request. I wish I would have been able to assist before you decided to cancel. If there is anything you need, now or in the future, please send us an e-mail to, and we will be happy to help.

    Thanks, Eric

    Eric Ketzer
    Social Media Communications Manager

  2. Just curious ... I have Charter internet. I was wondering how you just so happened to stumble upon my page where I'm talking negatively about Charter? Am I flagged or something?
