Saturday, June 5, 2010

♥ Gulf of Mexico - BP Oil Spill ♥

Gulf of Mexico - BP Oil Spill April 20th, 2010

So What I don’t understand … is if there’s a solution to fixing the BP oil problem, WHY aren’t we fixing it completely?! What a waste… And I’m sure in one way or another, we the taxpayers, are paying for it. Thus the reason I am boycotting British Petroleum. Why the hell would anyone support their mistakes & problems? BP & our government; what a wonderful mix. I wonder how many animals & fish have been effected and killed because of this poor human error? Disgusting isn’t it? I’m sure there are people out there who still have no idea the spill even happened & it’s our country that this happened to. Pathetic. … Any other surprises, American Government? I’m sure there’s something underway … I wonder what “United” means in “United States”? If anyone knows, please feel free to speak your mind. So now they capped the rupture Friday, June 4th, 2010. They’re collecting about 42,000 gallons a day. Imagine how many gallons were spilling into the ocean BEFORE the cap!? Try 21 to 46 MILLION gallons of oil.

"I am furious at this entire situation because this is an example where somebody didn't think through the consequences of their actions," Obama said. "This is imperiling an entire way of life and an entire region for potentially years."... sidenote: I honestly think Obama is the type of person to fail to take his own advise. ...
Yes, I’m sure there were probably precautions that were overlooked. Pointing fingers is NOT the way to go during a giant disaster, such as this one. The CEO of BP stated that BP would clean up every drop of oil and restore the shoreline to it’s original state. I think that should be the LEAST BP should do! What about all of the animals and fish in the environment that were effected, tortured and killed during this “mistake”?

I personally will never purch
ase anything involved with BP ever again. There’s a lot of cleaning up they have to do and I have lost all respect for that company. British Petroleum is suppose to be the most environmentally conscious company? They’ve disgraced us all.

Sign the petition to boycott BP and their brands!

Huge L

… … … more to come! … … …

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