Sunday, June 6, 2010

♥ Neglect Your Children ... !? ♥

Neglect Your Children!

So I’d love to hear someone’s opinion on this!!! Preferably someone who has children of their own. My boyfriend and I were driving back to his house after eating lunch just a little bit ago. His street has no outlet and so I drove to the end to turn around in the circle and come back to park in front of his house, as always. So we got to the end of his street to turn around, to see a 4 year old driving one of those electric cars for kids. No parents, no siblings, no adults, absolutely no one outside other than the child playing in the car, driving around the end of the street. REALLY!?
I don’t know about you, but when I was 4 years old, I definitely wasn’t mature enough to watch myself! Seriously! What if I were a child abductor and just snatched that kid & threw him in my car!? The parent would have no idea! What’s going on with parents today? I would like all the parents in our country to sit down and calculate how many hours a week you seriously spend with your child. Then calculate how many hours your child(ren) dedicate to childcare a week. Calculate how many hours your child(ren) dedicate to watching television? That bothers me more than anything, now a days. I see parents shoving their children in front of the television to distract them, just so you the parent can get things done or even run to the store.Pay attention to your child! I don’t think any child under 13 should be left alone with out a responsible adult. That’s not being a responsible parent.

Ok, I understand that I am NOT a parent myself and most people would say that I don’t have any room to talk considering my lack of experience as a parent. Although, if you think about it, I probably have the upper hand because I’m not in the middle of the madness, I’m thinking clearly. Would YOU let your 4 year old boy play in the street of your neighborhood on a motorized toy while you’re inside distracted by your favorite television show?? A 4 year old?! That’s ridiculous! People have turned into media zombies! Parents and children together. People wonder how children get abducted from their neighborhood or from a grocery store or mall. Parent’s are neglecting their children’s immaturity. It needs to STOP!

797,500 children, younger than 18, were reported missing in a one-year period. So that’s just 202,500 shy of ONE MILLION! I feel like these facts should literally be thrown in the faces of EVERY parent! How comfortable do you feel about leaving your child by him or herself ANYWHERE, knowing that about 2,185 children are reported missing each day!? There are only 50 states, you do the math!

Here is a great site for tips on how to keep a better eye on your children!

Here is the famous Scruff McGruff crime dog site!

Here is the official Amber Alert website!

Again, I would LOVE your opinion on any of my topics on my site!! Positive or negative! I love learning how people think!

Thank you for reading!!!

Huge L

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