Monday, January 24, 2011

♥ Been Awhile ♥

So it's been quite awhile since I've written anything on here so I figured I'd start back up again!

I have a lot of thoughts floating around inside my head and figured maybe it's time to throw down another few articles.

I've been listening to Alex Jones on a daily basis (I'm still a little leery about his intentions) and I've been working on Jesse Ventura's book American Conspiracies (listening to his audio book)... Leery about him too. I guess anyone who's in the spotlight, I'm leery about. Though, I do enjoy listening to the both of them!!

I may be a little preoccupied today because I'm getting rid of Charter cable & gaining Dish Network. I'm a little excited because for some reason Charter couldn't put cable in the bedroom at my house but Dish Network can... so YAY ME!!! I'm getting tv in the bedroom.

Before my boyfriend & I moved in together, I hardly EVER watched tv. It's not terrible because I try to watch a lot of Discovery Channel & avoid TBS bahaha!!

Well I'll be starting on an article today for this website ... so more to come later on!!! = )


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

♥ Distractions ♥


Prada, Gucci, Burberry, Coach, Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, McDonald's, Burger King & Pizza Hut. Shoes, purses, televisions, sound systems, blue-ray players, and fast food chains. These are our luxuries. These are our vices and these are our distractions.
I believe these things were designed to shield us from what’s really going on in our world. The real life news, not the things television tells us or what our ever so knowledgeable President tells us.
Our ever satisfying Health Care Bill
Everyone gets health insurance! YAY! What people don’t realize is that nothing is free in our world. How will people who are unemployed get free health care? Taxpayers, I’m sure. Also, if a certain percentage of Americans have health care, pre-bill, and you have to make a doctors appointment two months in advance; think about how difficult it will be to make a doctors appointment post-bill!? Take Canada for example, making an appointment consists of being put on a waiting list for months before you can see your doctor. Granted, yes there will be higher demand for doctors, nurses and etc. but there will still be a lengthy wait. Also, if you are a doctor, nurse or in the health care field in general, there has already been speculation about salary caps.
Our disappointing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
An explosion by one of the most environmentally friendly companies out there, British Petroleum. April 20th there’s an explosion which leads to a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Killing birds, fish and other animals in their natural habitat. Don’t expect to spend an affordable amount on shrimp for awhile, let alone see a nice clean beautiful beach. Almost two months later, after many FAILS, finally you hear about a cap on the rupture. ‘WONDERFUL!’ People think… What people don’t realize is that the cap hasn’t completely stopped the spill. There are still gallons of oil being spread into the ocean daily. I don’t believe anything is an accident anymore.

If anyone has seen the movie “Knowing” with Nicholas Cage (gay), they’ll know that there was a disastrous oil spill in that movie as well, on April 20th. Ironic coincidence isn’t it? Rent/but it!

I feel that these occurrences are distractions from something bigger. Something more important and something our government wants us to overlook or misunderstand. You wont see it on your amazing television or hear it on your awesome radio. These happenings or situations have means to be hidden. If they weren’t and they were broad casted, they would cause way too much controversy. The reason why I think a percentage knows the actual truth and others portray it to be a conspiracy is because it isn’t majorly advertised or broad casted. (see my article: “A Religious Break Through?” for an example) - Do your OWN homework … Research things yourself!

Here are a few documentaries that explains some reasoning and examples of this hidden agenda, or conspiracy, if you will:

Esoteric Agenda
The Obama Deception
Hijacking Humanity

If you can not find these documentaries, I have them inexpensively for sale (free shipping). Just comment or email me. = )

Thank you for reading and there will be more on this topic in the future!
Stay Tuned!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

♥ Neglect Your Children ... !? ♥

Neglect Your Children!

So I’d love to hear someone’s opinion on this!!! Preferably someone who has children of their own. My boyfriend and I were driving back to his house after eating lunch just a little bit ago. His street has no outlet and so I drove to the end to turn around in the circle and come back to park in front of his house, as always. So we got to the end of his street to turn around, to see a 4 year old driving one of those electric cars for kids. No parents, no siblings, no adults, absolutely no one outside other than the child playing in the car, driving around the end of the street. REALLY!?
I don’t know about you, but when I was 4 years old, I definitely wasn’t mature enough to watch myself! Seriously! What if I were a child abductor and just snatched that kid & threw him in my car!? The parent would have no idea! What’s going on with parents today? I would like all the parents in our country to sit down and calculate how many hours a week you seriously spend with your child. Then calculate how many hours your child(ren) dedicate to childcare a week. Calculate how many hours your child(ren) dedicate to watching television? That bothers me more than anything, now a days. I see parents shoving their children in front of the television to distract them, just so you the parent can get things done or even run to the store.Pay attention to your child! I don’t think any child under 13 should be left alone with out a responsible adult. That’s not being a responsible parent.

Ok, I understand that I am NOT a parent myself and most people would say that I don’t have any room to talk considering my lack of experience as a parent. Although, if you think about it, I probably have the upper hand because I’m not in the middle of the madness, I’m thinking clearly. Would YOU let your 4 year old boy play in the street of your neighborhood on a motorized toy while you’re inside distracted by your favorite television show?? A 4 year old?! That’s ridiculous! People have turned into media zombies! Parents and children together. People wonder how children get abducted from their neighborhood or from a grocery store or mall. Parent’s are neglecting their children’s immaturity. It needs to STOP!

797,500 children, younger than 18, were reported missing in a one-year period. So that’s just 202,500 shy of ONE MILLION! I feel like these facts should literally be thrown in the faces of EVERY parent! How comfortable do you feel about leaving your child by him or herself ANYWHERE, knowing that about 2,185 children are reported missing each day!? There are only 50 states, you do the math!

Here is a great site for tips on how to keep a better eye on your children!

Here is the famous Scruff McGruff crime dog site!

Here is the official Amber Alert website!

Again, I would LOVE your opinion on any of my topics on my site!! Positive or negative! I love learning how people think!

Thank you for reading!!!

Huge L

Saturday, June 5, 2010

♥ Gulf of Mexico - BP Oil Spill ♥

Gulf of Mexico - BP Oil Spill April 20th, 2010

So What I don’t understand … is if there’s a solution to fixing the BP oil problem, WHY aren’t we fixing it completely?! What a waste… And I’m sure in one way or another, we the taxpayers, are paying for it. Thus the reason I am boycotting British Petroleum. Why the hell would anyone support their mistakes & problems? BP & our government; what a wonderful mix. I wonder how many animals & fish have been effected and killed because of this poor human error? Disgusting isn’t it? I’m sure there are people out there who still have no idea the spill even happened & it’s our country that this happened to. Pathetic. … Any other surprises, American Government? I’m sure there’s something underway … I wonder what “United” means in “United States”? If anyone knows, please feel free to speak your mind. So now they capped the rupture Friday, June 4th, 2010. They’re collecting about 42,000 gallons a day. Imagine how many gallons were spilling into the ocean BEFORE the cap!? Try 21 to 46 MILLION gallons of oil.

"I am furious at this entire situation because this is an example where somebody didn't think through the consequences of their actions," Obama said. "This is imperiling an entire way of life and an entire region for potentially years."... sidenote: I honestly think Obama is the type of person to fail to take his own advise. ...
Yes, I’m sure there were probably precautions that were overlooked. Pointing fingers is NOT the way to go during a giant disaster, such as this one. The CEO of BP stated that BP would clean up every drop of oil and restore the shoreline to it’s original state. I think that should be the LEAST BP should do! What about all of the animals and fish in the environment that were effected, tortured and killed during this “mistake”?

I personally will never purch
ase anything involved with BP ever again. There’s a lot of cleaning up they have to do and I have lost all respect for that company. British Petroleum is suppose to be the most environmentally conscious company? They’ve disgraced us all.

Sign the petition to boycott BP and their brands!

Huge L

… … … more to come! … … …

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

♥ My Thoughts on Religion ♥ WARNING: NOT FOR THE SENSITIVE!!

Religious Break Through?

A close friend told me this:

"religion.... My dad relies solely on god to get him through life. For some people that's all they really have. If it makes him happy that's all that matters."

Some may think that relying on a fictitious being is unhealthy, even though, to them, this religion is completely non-imaginative. We as a nation, even as a world, were raised to “believe” there’s a God, the Devil, Heaven and Hell; of some sort. In my opinion, if you have to be told to “believe” in something, there is room for reasonable doubt. Which is why some people do NOT believe in God or Jesus or any other religion for that matter. A lot of us in America were pushed into this such belief process. For example, if you went to a non-public school; i.e. Catholic school, Presperterian school, was it your choice to go? Most likely not. Children tend to follow their parents beliefs.

According to the above quote, I gather that my friends’ father is obviously a religious man, probably of Christian or Catholic faith. My question is, why can’t man believe in thine self? People go through bad times I understand and the fact that man has to believe in something that has not yet been proven (and has not been proven for hundreds of years now) why can’t man believe if he needs help to do something, just have faith that HE is strong enough mentally to accomplish his goals?

Today at work I decided to listen to religious radio. I sat in my truck for 8 hours (on & off of course) listening to Christian/Catholic radio. Some of what I heard was pretty far fetched, it astounded me that people actually believe it. Another thing that poked my interest, would be that a man said that scientists ACTUALLY found PROOF that the 10 plagues existed and happened. Hmmm … wow ok. I was and still am interested in seeing this research. On my lunch break, I went home and looked up ‘scientific proof of the 10 plagues’. I found a site that already debunked it… ‘wow’, I thought, already!?

Taken from:

“Scientists are saying the 10 plagues that fell upon Egypt, which led to Moses freeing the children of Israel from slavery as recorded in the Book of Exodus, really happened. Well, sort of - or not so much.

The Telegraph is reporting the following, in part (emphasis added - Creator of the site listed above)

Researchers believe they have found evidence of real natural disasters on which the 10 plagues of Egypt, which led to Moses freeing the Israelites from slavery in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, were based.

But rather than explaining them as the wrathful act of a vengeful God, the scientists claim the plagues can be attributed to a chain of natural phenomena triggered by changes in the climate and environmental disasters that happened hundreds of miles away.

They have compiled compelling evidence that offers new explanations for the Biblical plagues, which will be outlined in a new series to be broadcast on the National Geographical Channel on Easter Sunday.”

Wow … So my question is … why air it on a day and at a time where people are most likely NOT watching their precious television?? How many religious people do you know that sit intently watching TV while celebrating Easter!? And an even better question, why not play the footage of scientific proof on ABC or NBC at Prime Time!? How many people would be enraged with that though? Exactly.

Huge L

♥ Television is One of the Greatest Inventions? ♥

Television is One of the Greatest Inventions?

I wonder how people can even watch television. Television was and will always be just a marketing tool for corporations and businesses to brainwash their viewers into wanting or even needing to purchase their items. In my opinion, even before cable television, it was not created as entertainment for everyone, television stations made money by selling air time for commercials. Television shows were only meant to attract an audience for these commercials. Almost everything on TV is an exaggeration of the truth. How can people even believe anything from it? Just because it’s on the news makes it true? Not only that but we see a commercial on TV and we get sucked into buying that particular product. I also believe television has made our world overweight. Do you want entertainment? Go outside and play baseball or just stay in and read a book. Even today, more and more books have been made into movies. People are too lazy to open a book and learn something for themselves.
Recent inventions have been created to merely keep people lazy and to cut time in half. If you don’t want to take a whole two or three days to read a good book, just go to a video store and buy the movie to watch the same book in two hours. If you want to get to that video store, chances are you will drive instead of walk or ride a bike. We are teaching ourselves to be overweight and unhealthy. If you’re hungry, you drive to a fast food restaurant because it’s quick and easy, instead of going to the grocery store and buying ingredients to cook your own food. If you want entertainment, you’re most likely going to drive to the movie theater to watch something in a few hours and go home thinking your satisfied, instead of reading that good book. How many times have you watched TV and have seen grocery store commercial or commercials for books? I personally have not seen too many. Although, there are tons of commercials promoting obesity and violence; for example, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy‘s and shows like CSI and Law & Order. They look entertaining but who’s watching them? It’s all aired on prime time television, after school’s let out and after the everyday person gets off of work. Why must we pollute our minds with the rubbish we see on television? I would love it if television ceased to exist. What would people do? Step outside and actually interact with each other; coexist?
As far as the local or “world” news, how do we even know it’s factual, because our news anchor says so? If people just opened their eyes and did the research on their own I’m sure they would learn much more than what our friend, the television, tells us. Everything is regulated that we watch on television so we watch what the government wants us to watch. Over all I feel that the world would most likely be healthier and happier with out television.

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Television is One of the Greatest Inventions?

I wonder how people can even watch television. Television was and will always be just a marketing tool for corporations and businesses to brainwash their viewers into wanting or even needing to purchase their items. In my opinion, even before cable television, it was not created as entertainment for everyone, television stations made money by selling air time for commercials. Television shows were only meant to attract an audience for these commercials. Almost everything on TV is an exaggeration of the truth.
I believe television has made our world overweight. Instead of coming home from work or school and sitting down with a TV dinner to watch your favorite TV show, go outside and play baseball or go for a walk. In 2006 the average television per household was 110 million, compared with 76 million households in 1980. In my opinion, it just shows how much more lazy our country has gotten in time. Also, 98.2 percent of Americans have a television set in their household and has been unchanged since 1999.
Television is also known to be bad for your eyesight. CRT (cathode ray tube) television screens are bad for your eyes because they emit small amounts of harmful radiation, besides just light. The LCD (liquid-crystal display) and Plasma screens do not emit this radiation. However, the brightness of these screens can still be hard on your eyes. On the newer screens you can adjust your backlight appropriately and you should have some ambient light, otherwise your eyes work harder to adjust to the great difference between the darkness around you. I personally think reading a book or going outside to do an activity would be a much healthier choice.
Purchasing a TV has become more and more expensive the more technology improves. Even though the currency rate has inflated over time, I feel the prices of televisions have gotten outrageous. Americans could be spending their hard earned money on better foods and activities instead of that giant 56 inch plasma TV fully equipped with their satellite cable. As if the first 15 channels weren’t good enough, people have to feed their addiction and spend more money on another 600 channels. In 2006 73.2 million households indulged in cable television. Try to think about how much money you would save if you eliminated your TV expenses.
Others disagree with my opinions and are blind to the facts about their precious televisions. Television enables those who would otherwise be ignorant or lazy become at least marginally informed. For people who follow the news, television is a very good instrument for accessing local and world wide information. Some television shows are entertainment for adults as well as children and there are select stations that are even educational. As far as it being unhealthy for your eyes, watching television in moderation and at a reasonable distance wouldn’t make it so harmful. Money-wise, if people would just purchase one television per household with just basic television or even basic cable, it wouldn’t be as expensive as the biggest and best TV on the market. Also, if I recall there is a fitness show available on basic TV and if you do just purchase the basic cable, there are fitness channels to keep yourself healthy and active.
In conclusion, I personally feel that television makes what could be an intelligent race into an ignorant society. I feel there are too many negatives compared to positives towards television. Life without television would be healthier, happier and I think people would be more interactive with each other; like the world should be. If things were how they used to be before television was invented, people wouldn’t be rushing to the grocery store to purchase that quick and easy dinner; i.e. frozen dinners or any microwavable meal, to watch their favorite TV shows of the night. How much of what we watch do we know is actually truthful? That’s partially why I feel that people need to get out there and read books and the newspaper and research things themselves. That way we don’t have to rely on TV to tell us what to believe. People just need to learn to rely on themselves for the truth.

Much L

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

♥ Curious ... ? ♥

"Yes, that's the most dangerous thing you can do, educate people. Because when people become educated, you cannot control them, you cannot frighten them. People who are educated know their own power, and don't surrender it to others. I prefer to die someday on my feet, rather than on my knees. An idea who's time has come is individuality and freedom, and understanding that both religion and government in America are the enemies of all good people. All sincerely decent, good people have as their greatest enemy this government and the people behind this government who are manipulating it, and the churches, period!"
- Jordan Maxwell, Matrix of Power

-The world today is more consumed with Big Mac's, Louis Vuitton, BMW's and that big house at the end of your block that you've always wanted to purchase; than their own reasons of life. What ever happened to that English lesson you learned back in elementary school; Who, What, Where, When & Why? Who made America the way it was? Who said money is something that we need to have? Who says I have to legally pay taxes? Who is in control of the government? What about the peoples’ opinion? What is making this world be more in debt? What is tax money actually used for? What is the true reason of money? Where are the true facts hidden in this country? Where can I actually exercise my freedom? Where do my tax dollars actually go? When will I be free? When can I find these answers? When will our country actually be out of debt? When will the news actually be truthful? WHY can’t our government tell their people the truth? WHY does our government manipulate money? WHY does our government control everything we do?

Our country would be so much more intelligent if we would just ask WHY. I don’t understand why people are so prone to following what other people do. Why can’t a person be an individual? Does the government think their people can’t handle truth? Why control what we watch, read, say & do? And the people who are knowledgeable on these topics are in fear of their life because the government doesn’t want other people hearing what they have to say? Well, they must have some pretty important things in their head, if the government is actually scared of people hearing them. If the government is so powerful, what does it matter what these people have to say? Couldn’t they just control the internet, telephone, or television? Like they already do? What’s the difference?

I was asked this question today, that if these theories held so much truth why isn’t it more wide spread? Why isn’t it on the news and why doesn’t everyone believe this theory? I replied;
I thought, first of all … the “news”!? … then replied …
“Well, there are many people who try to spread their knowledge about this situation but even our government tries keeping it at a low roar. People have been killed, information has disappeared. If our own government is trying to control (brainwash) their people to the fullest extent, do you think they want anyone to prove it to these people who are ignorant, who follow what they think is right instead of actually physically thinking & researching it for themselves? Of course not!”

Why is it that people are so prone to be followers instead of leaders or mere individuals. Why is individuality so scarce? Why are people so lazy that if I go on tv on the news and tell them “My dog can sing karaoke & the world is ending tomorrow”, they’ll probably believe me? Is it because the news has a reputation of being factual? How do we know it’s factual? The meteorologists are almost always wrong; yet we wake up for out 9 to 5 job every morning, we turn on the news to watch the updates on our country and pay attention to the weather. Fool me once it’s your fault, fool me twice it’s mine. Granted I’m merely giving an example, I feel there are much more important topics aside from our weather. Just my point of why people believe the sources they believe, because they’re told so.

I like the movie Liar Liar. Wouldn’t it be nice if that were actually true & we could listen to the government speak 100% truth for one single day? I wonder how the world would react to that? What if people across America saw & read actual truth about how God (or any God) was put on this earth to just give people something to believe in? It would shatter their lives. Have you physically seen God or a God? Have you witnessed an act of God or a God, that contains actual proof that a God exists? No … because if there was hard evidence of the existence of a God, everyone would have to believe. But people have a choice to believe in a God or no God. That’s not hard to fathom. So why is it so hard to fathom that our own government is trying to control their people?

This post is just a compilation of a lot of thoughts thrown into one post. Later I’ll post more, per topic.

Sometimes I wish times were simple. No telephone, email, internet, fast food, cars even. Our world has become quite lazy. Why are people in such a hurry?

Much L