Tuesday, April 13, 2010

♥ My Thoughts on Religion ♥ WARNING: NOT FOR THE SENSITIVE!!

Religious Break Through?

A close friend told me this:

"religion.... My dad relies solely on god to get him through life. For some people that's all they really have. If it makes him happy that's all that matters."

Some may think that relying on a fictitious being is unhealthy, even though, to them, this religion is completely non-imaginative. We as a nation, even as a world, were raised to “believe” there’s a God, the Devil, Heaven and Hell; of some sort. In my opinion, if you have to be told to “believe” in something, there is room for reasonable doubt. Which is why some people do NOT believe in God or Jesus or any other religion for that matter. A lot of us in America were pushed into this such belief process. For example, if you went to a non-public school; i.e. Catholic school, Presperterian school, was it your choice to go? Most likely not. Children tend to follow their parents beliefs.

According to the above quote, I gather that my friends’ father is obviously a religious man, probably of Christian or Catholic faith. My question is, why can’t man believe in thine self? People go through bad times I understand and the fact that man has to believe in something that has not yet been proven (and has not been proven for hundreds of years now) why can’t man believe if he needs help to do something, just have faith that HE is strong enough mentally to accomplish his goals?

Today at work I decided to listen to religious radio. I sat in my truck for 8 hours (on & off of course) listening to Christian/Catholic radio. Some of what I heard was pretty far fetched, it astounded me that people actually believe it. Another thing that poked my interest, would be that a man said that scientists ACTUALLY found PROOF that the 10 plagues existed and happened. Hmmm … wow ok. I was and still am interested in seeing this research. On my lunch break, I went home and looked up ‘scientific proof of the 10 plagues’. I found a site that already debunked it… ‘wow’, I thought, already!?

Taken from: www.rapturealert.com/2010/032810biblicalplagues.asp

“Scientists are saying the 10 plagues that fell upon Egypt, which led to Moses freeing the children of Israel from slavery as recorded in the Book of Exodus, really happened. Well, sort of - or not so much.

The Telegraph is reporting the following, in part (emphasis added - Creator of the site listed above)

Researchers believe they have found evidence of real natural disasters on which the 10 plagues of Egypt, which led to Moses freeing the Israelites from slavery in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, were based.

But rather than explaining them as the wrathful act of a vengeful God, the scientists claim the plagues can be attributed to a chain of natural phenomena triggered by changes in the climate and environmental disasters that happened hundreds of miles away.

They have compiled compelling evidence that offers new explanations for the Biblical plagues, which will be outlined in a new series to be broadcast on the National Geographical Channel on Easter Sunday.”

Wow … So my question is … why air it on a day and at a time where people are most likely NOT watching their precious television?? How many religious people do you know that sit intently watching TV while celebrating Easter!? And an even better question, why not play the footage of scientific proof on ABC or NBC at Prime Time!? How many people would be enraged with that though? Exactly.

Huge L

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