Wednesday, March 17, 2010

♥ Curious ... ? ♥

"Yes, that's the most dangerous thing you can do, educate people. Because when people become educated, you cannot control them, you cannot frighten them. People who are educated know their own power, and don't surrender it to others. I prefer to die someday on my feet, rather than on my knees. An idea who's time has come is individuality and freedom, and understanding that both religion and government in America are the enemies of all good people. All sincerely decent, good people have as their greatest enemy this government and the people behind this government who are manipulating it, and the churches, period!"
- Jordan Maxwell, Matrix of Power

-The world today is more consumed with Big Mac's, Louis Vuitton, BMW's and that big house at the end of your block that you've always wanted to purchase; than their own reasons of life. What ever happened to that English lesson you learned back in elementary school; Who, What, Where, When & Why? Who made America the way it was? Who said money is something that we need to have? Who says I have to legally pay taxes? Who is in control of the government? What about the peoples’ opinion? What is making this world be more in debt? What is tax money actually used for? What is the true reason of money? Where are the true facts hidden in this country? Where can I actually exercise my freedom? Where do my tax dollars actually go? When will I be free? When can I find these answers? When will our country actually be out of debt? When will the news actually be truthful? WHY can’t our government tell their people the truth? WHY does our government manipulate money? WHY does our government control everything we do?

Our country would be so much more intelligent if we would just ask WHY. I don’t understand why people are so prone to following what other people do. Why can’t a person be an individual? Does the government think their people can’t handle truth? Why control what we watch, read, say & do? And the people who are knowledgeable on these topics are in fear of their life because the government doesn’t want other people hearing what they have to say? Well, they must have some pretty important things in their head, if the government is actually scared of people hearing them. If the government is so powerful, what does it matter what these people have to say? Couldn’t they just control the internet, telephone, or television? Like they already do? What’s the difference?

I was asked this question today, that if these theories held so much truth why isn’t it more wide spread? Why isn’t it on the news and why doesn’t everyone believe this theory? I replied;
I thought, first of all … the “news”!? … then replied …
“Well, there are many people who try to spread their knowledge about this situation but even our government tries keeping it at a low roar. People have been killed, information has disappeared. If our own government is trying to control (brainwash) their people to the fullest extent, do you think they want anyone to prove it to these people who are ignorant, who follow what they think is right instead of actually physically thinking & researching it for themselves? Of course not!”

Why is it that people are so prone to be followers instead of leaders or mere individuals. Why is individuality so scarce? Why are people so lazy that if I go on tv on the news and tell them “My dog can sing karaoke & the world is ending tomorrow”, they’ll probably believe me? Is it because the news has a reputation of being factual? How do we know it’s factual? The meteorologists are almost always wrong; yet we wake up for out 9 to 5 job every morning, we turn on the news to watch the updates on our country and pay attention to the weather. Fool me once it’s your fault, fool me twice it’s mine. Granted I’m merely giving an example, I feel there are much more important topics aside from our weather. Just my point of why people believe the sources they believe, because they’re told so.

I like the movie Liar Liar. Wouldn’t it be nice if that were actually true & we could listen to the government speak 100% truth for one single day? I wonder how the world would react to that? What if people across America saw & read actual truth about how God (or any God) was put on this earth to just give people something to believe in? It would shatter their lives. Have you physically seen God or a God? Have you witnessed an act of God or a God, that contains actual proof that a God exists? No … because if there was hard evidence of the existence of a God, everyone would have to believe. But people have a choice to believe in a God or no God. That’s not hard to fathom. So why is it so hard to fathom that our own government is trying to control their people?

This post is just a compilation of a lot of thoughts thrown into one post. Later I’ll post more, per topic.

Sometimes I wish times were simple. No telephone, email, internet, fast food, cars even. Our world has become quite lazy. Why are people in such a hurry?

Much L

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

~ ♥ Welcome ♥ ~

- Hello, my name is Angelina -

I'm 25 years young!

I'm 5'4" short & I it.
I'm Italian.

My goal in life is to live forever ... so far so good!

I like tattoo's ... ... I them on my boy! = )

I've had laser tattoo removal ... If I could think of one word to best describe that ... it would be "OUCH!!!"

I'm in ♥ with my boyfriend Eric. He owns my ♥. ~ Sorry boys!

I can be the most ridiculous person you've ever met at times!

Sometimes I laugh at the most inappropriate moments ... = P

I have a dirty mouth ... I'm trying to correct that because I feel people say curse words because they don't have anything intelligent to say instead.

I psychology!

I hearing about government issues because I like seeing how twisted things can become!

I ♥ hearing the opinions from people about things that matter the most to them!

I the science center! (haven't been in YEARS)

I'm pretty girlie at times... more physically & less emotionally. haha

I the Zoo!

I Hockey!

I the colors pink & black!

I x sheeple.

I x snobby people.

Once I start laughing ... it's hard for me to stop = )

I have ZERO tolerance for dishonest people. Any shape, way or form.

My friends & family own a large portion of my . I would do anything for them.

- Anything else you'd like to know ... ask ... I'm an open book -

Huge Lve